

admin NBA球队 2024-06-04 40浏览 0


From this point of view, the power of faith is really great! It is enough for a person to fight against death to the end, and it is enough for a person to go to the top of his career.滚滚的汨罗江畔,夕阳的斜晖映在他那坚毅的脸庞上,似乎可以反射出更加耀眼的光芒,面对君王的昏庸、懦弱,想到国家人民的痛苦,屈原纵身一跃,让滚烫的江水吞噬了他的身体,在那一刻,世界为之静止!On the Bank of the rolling Miluo River, the setting sun reflected on his resolute face, which seemed to reflect a more dazzling light. Facing the fatuity and cowardice of the king, and thinking of the suffering of the people of the country, Qu Yuan jumped to let the hot water swallow his body. At that moment, the world was still!是什么让屈原如此从容走向死亡?What makes Qu Yuan so easy to die?信念,他的心中时刻挂念着他的祖国,但他却无法看见自己祖国日益昌盛,他的心中始终秉承着爱国的信念,可他已无用武之地。Faith, his heart is always thinking of his motherland, but he can not see his motherland growing prosperous, his heart has always been adhering to the patriotic faith, but he has no use.由此看来,信念的力量真是伟大!它足以让一个人坦然面对死亡,它足以将一个人的爱国情怀展现得淋漓尽致。From this point of view, the power of faith is really great! It is enough to let a person face death calmly, it is enough to show a person's patriotic feelings incisively and vividly.


